







A portfolio of GIS maps, scripts and teaching materials by Jill Roberta Kelly Mastodon

AI image generation is not ready for maps

I’ve been experimenting to understand the degree to which my class assignments might be vulnerable to AI-generated submissions. The answer appears to be: not very, as these responses are total nonsense. Here’s a close-up of that legend: The right answer should look somewhat like this, although this is a quickie made in ArcGIS Online, not…

AI output vs. student writing

AI-generated text submitted as if it were a student’s own work can be embarrassingly obvious. Student writing can contain honest errors, bad grammar or fuzzy thinking, but it is always about something. AI text is full of vague platitudes; it’s almost always positive in tone, but sort of stiff and formal. Human Student: This resulted…

Jill’s “Greatest Hits”

If you spend enough time in an academic environment, you wind up with a collection of favorite papers, essays, videos and websites — resources that you send to colleagues and students again and again to make an argument, demonstrate a technique or highlight a new idea. Here is a curated and annotated “playlist” of my…

New Tutorial Video: How to Jitter Point Coordinates

I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been busy doing projects and teaching. GIS is such a fun interdisciplinary skill. Over the last month, I’ve helped researchers with mapping rainfall and barley yield in the modern Middle East, mapping “moisture vectors” globally for the past 40 years, digitizing the locations of tick-borne illnesses in…

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